Saturday, July 27, 2024

Dating in Fort Worth: How It's Going July 2024

Moving to the Dallas / Fort Worth area seemed inevitable, it was just a matter of time. I interviewed in Dallas years ago and seriously considered the job, but it was simultaneously between that job and the one in Panama City  Beach, Florida, and I felt like the Dallas job was the safe bet and the PCB job was the scary, exciting and potentially high-reward opportunity, and I decided that the safe options will always be there, and I might as well take a risk. Fast forward to being single in Palmdale, CA, and the dating scene left much to be desired. Late in 2023, I decided to test my buddy's theory that the dating would be better in Texas should I consider moving there. So I changed my dating profile to be in Fort Worth, and I put a very big disclaimer on my profile to be upfront about the fact that I was going back and forth between California and Fort Worth, but that I was open to moving there, which wasn't entirely true but perhaps foreshadowing, or maybe I just knew it was inevitable.

Regardless, I got a couple of matches early on. One ended up being a complete and literal fraud - he was trying to get me to buy crypto on some website "to bring us closer." Of course I didn't fall for his crap, but I did invest a lot of my time in talking with him before that all came out - he definitely played a long game in his scam.


The other match was real. His name was Tommy, and he worked on second shift at my company. I knew the shift more than the fact that we worked at the same company would present challenges in terms of scheduling time together, but I was willing to try to make it work. Our daily texts were amazing - he was so attentive and sweet. Based on his profile pictures, I wasn't sure if I'd be attracted to him. We finally met up on my next business trip and he was absolutely instantly attractive to me. We had an amazing first date and some kisses and cuddles and I felt very comfortable with him physically - it felt like we had been molded to be together. All the more reason I thought it was weird when he was more aloof after our first date, and then eventually he stopped responding altogether. I didn't understand it and it was very upsetting.


A few weeks later, I felt like being a little drama and sent a picture of myself looking pretty good to Tommy. To my surprise, he responded and said he apologized for ghosting me, he thought his message had gone through but apparently it hadn't, and that he had decided the long-distance thing was too hard, my time that week was so limited and he didn't like that. I was glad to know what happened but still felt like saying something like, "Where there's a will, there's a way," but knew it wouldn't really do much good.


Around that time, Deric came into my life and so I tried not to think about Tommy too much. But my relationship with Deric was short-lived and ended right around the time that I found out I would now have to move to Fort Worth for work. I debated for weeks whether to try to reach out to Tommy again and let him know I would be moving, or to wait until I moved there, but either way I knew I was going to reach out to him. One night I decided I didn't want to wait any longer and I told him I was moving there. He responded almost immediately and seemed both excited and flattered that I thought of him. He re-engaged again with his daily, sweet, and attentive texts. We met up again when I was there next, and again he drifted away and stopped responding. Now I was mad - this isn't a coincidence, right?


When I was back in Fort Worth, still not permanently, I asked him to meet me at a restaurant and without responding, he showed up. We talked and he apologized and said he didn't think I'd want to see him again, blah blah blah. We again had another amazing time together, and he promised to try to do better on responding to texts. And then once again he faded and disappeared.


In the meantime, I entertained a few other suitors. In February, I started talking with Justin. He had a cheezy smile in some of his pictures, but I could see evidence of him being kind of cute. He was definitely nerdy and a little weird, but he seemed passionately interesting in me. We had a date when I was in Fort Worth for business, and it felt very rushed, like he was just trying to drag me through the requirements so that he could get me back to my hotel. I didn't invite him to come in, and he seemed disappointed but I did let him kiss me good night. We continued seeing each other for quite some time and had some nice dates together, I did become attracted to him and I did genuinely like him. But the weirdness just started to overwhelm everything else.


Sam had ironically liked a picture of me I'm not sure he realized was from Australia, and was upfront that he didn't live in Dallas despite what his profile said, he lived in Sydney, Australia. Of course, I've written plenty about him so I'll skip to the next guy.


Brandon had liked my picture back in December when I was with Deric, so I hadn't paid attention to it. Once Deric and I were over, I still wasn't sure about Brandon. He seemed like he'd be a sweetheart, but I wasn't attracted to him. In April, I finally decided it was worth at least a dialog, and I matched back with him. He started right off with a pun, which I loved, and the texts flowed very naturally. But when we met up for our first date, he started off by telling me he was very low energy that day. Okay, I guess that's… fine? I mean, he was, so I guess by stating as much, at least he was acknowledging that. The date didn't do much to help me decide one way or another with him, and we ended with a hug.


Brandon and I continued talking, and we met up for a second date. That date went a little better, but only marginally, and at the end of it, I got a small kiss. I wanted more in the moment, but didn't make the move, and we said goodnight and parted ways. 


Then there was Ryan. I knew I should stop using the dating app, but Ryan hit me up and we started chatting and I didn't want to ghost him. He was so sweet via text, call me goddess and flattering me way more than I probably deserve. We had good chats over the course of a couple weeks and he seemed head-over-heels for me before even meeting. I finally proposed we grab ice cream at Braum's and he agreed. We had a really nice chat and hung out for a while there. He grabbed me for a deep, passionate kiss in the parking lot and I quite liked it. We said good night and I thought that was a good sign. We exchanged several more messages over the next couple days, and then he ghosted me after all that. 


In May, I ended things with Justin via text message, which in hindsight may have been the wrong way to do it but it felt okay in the situation, and he responded pretty quickly that he was feeling the same way, and we both wished each other the best and that was that.

Down to two-ish, with Tommy still popping up whenever I want him but not really giving boyfriend vibes, it was a bit of a struggle at times to balance Sam and Brandon.
Sam liked to have video phone calls on Sunday morning his time which is Saturday evening my time - the time I am often out with Brandon and his friends. So I've had to put Sam off on those weekends or try to do the call the night before. And then Sam came for a week, and since my sister was coming right after, I told Brandon that my sister was coming and that I'd be busy, which wasn't untrue, I just made it sound like she was there the whole time when in fact it was mostly Sam.

My sister did give me a hard time about juggling two guys. Of course, she's happily single and doesn't seem to understand my desire for a man in my life. She also commented that Brandon and I look like siblings so it was a good thing we weren't going to have kids because people would suspect incest - of all things to worry about! 


I wish I could say I never saw it as a competition or a comparison between the two, but that happened a couple times. Still, I'd say most of the time it wasn't like that for me. I assume most relationships will end when one or both parties decide there is something incompatible, so I assumed one relationship or the other would flame out eventually. The fact that both seemed to be going strong for so long and only seemed to be getting stronger was the problem.


I think what made it tougher was that they were so different - complete opposites in most ways, really - and the pros and cons are so glaring. For example, Brandon is local, so huge points for that. I also liked how Brandon was physically affectionate with me, whereas Sam wasn't as cuddly or physically affectionate. I remember actually thinking one night when I was with Sam that Brandon would comply with my request or

something to that effect. Pretty awful to have those kinds of thoughts, I know. On the other hand, I felt like Brandon was the safe option - he wanted to get married up, he was easy going, we could hang out and he would do whatever I planned for us to do and I could relax around him. And I struggled with whether those were good things or not. I liked that Sam was adventurous and had his own dreams and his passions that he involved me in. Sam is doing a daily 10k step challenge and inspires me to push myself to do the same. He has a healthy slightly-restricted diet which I'd like to somewhat emulate. His absolute positivity in difficult situations is downright inspirational. I don't think he understands how much he inspires me, but he does - I want to be a better person because of him.

So, like the decision between the Dallas job and the Florida job years ago, I'd been leaning towards the scarier but more exciting option, and away from the safer option… until Brandon called me to end things today. He called me which is pretty unusual, we mostly text and then obviously meet up in person, but I didn't think too much about the phone call - I figured maybe he thought it'd be easier to discuss logistics for tomorrow when I was to meet his sister and parents for his birthday celebration. Quite the contrary, and perhaps he was thinking it was urgent to end things because of that. I didn't know what he was saying at first, I thought he said he was going to talk about work, which made sense in my head since he had come from a three-week work trip, but then he said something like, "we shouldn't see each other anymore," and then he also started talking about how he realized he wanted kids and wasn't ready to give up on that dream. When I thought back to how he started the conversation, perhaps he had said something like, "I'm going to say some word vomit," but I could not for the life of me recall what he said that led him to not wanting to see each other anymore - maybe that he had been thinking while he was one his work trip? Had he found my blog about Sam or something? No, I don't think he said anything to that effect. Anyways, I suppose it doesn't matter why, it was clear enough that he was done and I wasn't going to fight for him given my feelings. So we both wished each other the best and for the second time with another local suitor, that was that.


The timing is kind of crap, because I had just put together his birthday card with his present, but I guess his present can be used for something else and the card is only a $3 loss; I suppose its better to end things now than wait until we exchange birthday gifts, and I was supposed to meet his sister and parents tomorrow. So, yeah, I guess good.


I did push out my flight for work to Monday because I was reserving my Sunday evening for him and his family. So, I'm a little annoyed at the timing, a couple weeks ago would have been better, or perhaps in reality, I would have liked to let it go one a little bit longer to have someone locally. But, I'll see Sam in 12 days in Scotland, and I have a business trip between now and then, so maybe I should be more okay with it than I am. I know part of it is a control thing - I prefer to do the ending things. It wasn't my time line - I had plans with him still. But I think I would have felt regret or starting to think the "what ifs" had I ended things with Brandon at this point or in the near future. It seems like it should be good. Maybe it's just raw. The irony was I'd been meaning to do some writing to catch up on my dating life outside of Sam, but hadn't gotten to it until, well, there's nothing more to write up now.


In conclusion, dating in Fort Worth also stinks, but it helped me find Sam, and he thrills me. Cheers to you, Tommy, Justin and Brandon! I hope you find what you're looking for.


Thursday, July 11, 2024

40 Under 40: Celebrating My 30's, July 2014 - 2024

As much as I was bummed about turning 30 years old, I was even less excited about turning 40. I remember my Dad turning 40 and thinking he was so old. I couldn't possibly be that old, could I?

When I turned 30, my sister Christy told me that her 30s were some of her favorite years and that the decade was so great because she actually had money to go do the fun things she wanted. I definitely agree with that sentiment to an extent, that money has not been an issue as my career has progressed and with a little luck in the real estate market. I've moved around a lot in my 30s, and just now getting settled into my latest home in the Fort Worth, Texas area.

My ex- was a major part of my life throughout my 30s, but after nearly 10 years of both amazing adventures and interpersonal frictions, I released him back into the wild and have been single for the last year and a half. Dating at this age has been a little miserable and a little crazy, but I'm in a good place right now romantically, even if not in a dedicated relationship yet.

One of the reasons I was bummed about turning 30 ten years ago was because I felt like I hadn't accomplished what I wanted to yet by that point. To attempt to combat that disappointment, I wrote a blog listing thirty things I had accomplished and of which I was proud. Continuing that theme, I thought I'd do the same for turning 40. What I ended up with was a little different, but here are 32 Life List accomplishments plus 8 other categories of things for/of which I'm grateful or proud.
In my 30's alone, I completed 32 things from my Life List, and did some items more than once (e.g. sleep in a capsule hotel, swim with dolphins, swim with giant sea turtles).

32 Life List Achievements Accomplished in My 30's:



Date Completed


Walk the Boardwalk in Atlantic City



Ride a tandem bicycle



Publish a book



Ride a bullet train



Confront a cadaver



Sleep in a capsule hotel



Read Catch 22



Walk the Champs-Élysées



See the Colisseum



Swim with a dolphin



Go to the top of the Eiffel Tower



Eat a fugu



Ride a gondola



Attend a performance at the Grand Ole Opry



Snorkel or Scuba through the Great Barrier Reef



Stay at the Hamptons



Spend a night in a haunted house (or hotel, or castle, etc)



Tour the Hershey Chocolate Factory in PA



Spot a wild javalina



Tap a maple tree for sap



Tour Niagara Falls



Cruise through the Panama Canal



Photograph an endangered species



Walk the ruins of Pompeii



See the Louvre Pyramid



Swim with giant sea turtles



Watch a Sumo wrestling match



Watch a show at the Sydney Opera House



Drink at the Taste of Chicago



Attend a tea party during the cherry blossoms



Go wine tasting in Europe



Eat at a Wingers



8 Additional Highlights of My 30s:

1.  Achieved career goals of making 6-digit salary and becoming a manager 


2.  Performed multiple times with the Gypsy Jitterbugs, including my favorite routine, Rosie the Riveter. Post break-up, I got back into swing dancing and recently joined a new dance troupe locally!

3.  Painted some pretty neat artwork of which I'm proud

4.  Had several amazing vacations:

         - Epic Road trip - 6607 miles of driving, 61 unique roller coasters, 7 theme parks, 15 days
         - Traveled to Australia on long-awaited itinerary planned ~10 years prior 

         - Learned about Ice Wine and attended an Ice Wine Festival

         - Dressed up and attended Dapper Day at Disneyland


         - Took the time to do the full transit Panama Canal cruise while in between jobs 
         - Treated family to vacation home in Hawaii for Christmas and to celebrate my parents' 50th Anniversary 


5. Moved five times for work-related reasons:

  • AZ --> CT June 2017
  • CT --> FL July 2018
  • FL --> San Diego March 2020
  • San Diego --> Palmdale, CA June 2021
  • CA --> TX April 2024

6. Did some crazy things that maybe should have been on my Life List but weren't:

  • Went splunking (guided, but still neat)
  • Played knockerball
  • Hiked "The Wave" in Coyote Buttes North (again)
  • Swam with rays (rays not pictured)

7. Had a "White Christmas", a "Christmas in the Sand" and even a "White Sand Christmas" (in PCB)

8. Designed and created Lego Room in Palmdale house, complete with a mural, ceiling light fixture, and custom curtains



All in all, I guess you could say I had a good decade. And so far, my 40's are looking to be even better! 

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

I Left My Heart at Terminal D

It's been a week almost exactly to the hour since I picked Sam up from the airport, erasing all the doubts I had going into it at the time, and now I've just returned from dropping him off at the airport for his long return trip home. I'd be lying if I said the week was perfect, but I don't think either of us expected it would be. After all, besides two dates back in April, we had only exchanged messages and had video or voice calls for about an hour each week. Suddenly spending an entire week under the same roof and in each others' space constantly was sure to open up some cracks in our over-the-top positivity-based relationship. But we had both agreed that open communication would allow us to work through whatever comes up, and I think we both truly believed that.

Our tentative itinerary had us attending a baseball game the same night he landed, but after the time he spent in customs, and with how tired he was, he was grateful we hadn't gotten tickets and we could just go back to my place and go to bed. Before retiring, however, he was bursting at the seams to give me all the presents he had brought from Australia for me. Bug spray to help me combat the horrid bugs here in Texas, candy and sweets both at my request and because he wanted me to try them, an Australia soccer jersey, creams and lotions, soaps, all sorts of things. I didn't have nearly as much in the way of gifts for him - just an Arizona State shirt at his request and some Japanese treats we had talked about. Of course, the trip had been a gift in a way - I told him I wasn't mentally ready for international travel yet but that if it was just money stopping him from taking leave to visit, I had money, so why not pay for him to come here? Of course, that then gave me reason to have doubts, but we're passed that now.

Thursday morning - July Fourth - once we got the tea kettle and coffee situation sorted for him and we both had breakfast, we went for a short walk around my local park. I wanted to show him the turtles but they weren't where I had seen them last. I had also told him about my neighbor's cats but they were no where to be found. Granted, it was hot as heck by this time, so the aminals were probably wherever
they can keep coolest. We did see an orange-winged black bird on our walk (it was a black bird with orange wings, but that was actually the name of it, too!). Even though Sam doesn't eat pig meats, I wanted him to have a hot dog for the Fourth, so we went to Portillo's and he was relieved to see they were beef hot dogs, so he could eat it.

That evening, we went to the soccer game and saw FC Dallas score a victory. They did a pretty great fireworks show after, which I liked because that took the stress out of figuring out where to go see fireworks and
worrying about seating and stuff… we just sat in our seats from the game and enjoyed the show.

Friday we went for a swim in my pool. The wind had blown a bunch of flower petals into the pool but Sam told me not to sweep them up because it was kind of cool to swim in them. I wasn't fully on board but I could see his point. I enjoyed seeing the world through his lens, he's such a romantic and gushing with positivity. Except when it comes to soccer… never heard him speak such hard words as he yelled at the TV while we watched the Euros that afternoon.

Friday night, Sam indulged me by going to a swing dance. The timing worked out well, because this was the first Friday of the month and thus the dance was a little less intimidating for new or non-dancers, and it had a live band which is always entertaining even if you're not dancing. I was surprised to see one of my favorite leads from the Thursday night dance there, Dave, and he took me out on the floor multiple times to show me off. Sam seemed to enjoy watching and had no interest in actually dancing, even during the slow dance song, but he went for a walk around the area to get his steps in while I helped lead the Shim Sham and got a few more dances in. He suspected, wrongly, that when he left, I'd get asked more, but this community really doesn't care if you're with someone or not, they just want to dance, and I love that about it.

Saturday morning we left for Austin and I streamed one of the soccer games on my tablet for him as I drove. Seeing signs for Buc-cee's, I told Sam about it and he was interested so we stopped at one when it was convenient to get more gas and take a bio break. He got a good kick out of it, and we just happened to be by staff entrance when the actual mascot came out, so we grabbed a quick selfied with Buc-cee before the swarms of people got a hold of him. We continued to Austin and we found a sports bar we wanted to watch the next game at, but in a distracted moment, I locked my keys in the car. Usually, the car won't lock if the keys are inside but it must not have been reading the signal. I tried the app but it was being weird with the sign in. I told Sam to go ahead without me while I work on getting the app to let me in to unlock the car. I finally gave up and joined Sam at the bar, but shortly after standing there watching the end of the last game, the app said my car had finally unlocked, so I rushed back to get my stuff and secure my key to lock the car up again. The game ended, and the crowd cleared out, so Sam and I were able to get a nice table outside to watch the next game. We had some bar food and beer during the game, and after, headed to our hotel to check in.

Saturday night was probably our biggest "fight" if you can call it that. I was in bed and Sam had pulled the covers off and made a nest on the floor and when I woke up and asked him what he was doing, I thought he said he was going to sleep there and I got upset about him taking the sheets without asking and also not joining me in bed. But, we both talked it out without losing our heads. He had been having trouble sleeping, didn't think I needed the blanket because one of my legs was out of it, and thought he'd watch some videos on the floor so as not to bother me. I told him I'd rather have him in bed with me and that it wouldn't bother me or I'd watch with him. We worked it out and he cuddled me and made me feel better.

Sunday morning in Austin we went for a pretty lengthy walk down to a river area where there were bats. The rest of the day was spent doing things suggested by my lead, James. First, we went swimming in the very cold waters of Barton Springs Pool, and dinner at The Salt Lick BBQ. In between, we soaked up the sun on our balcony at the Driskill, which I was glad I booked because both of us enjoyed it at different times, and it gave us some space away from each other. I especially used it Monday morning while Sam was still asleep.

While waiting for seats at the BBQ place, Sam and I went through the majority of the 36 questions that are supposed to make you fall in love with a stranger. Our answers definitely showed some  differences in our focuses - I felt like I kept answering in relation to wanting to find love again and be with my one person, whereas his answers were more about his friendships and his independence. In hindsight, I think that's where my head was going because I was hoping to get some answers about him and I through this exercise and through the whole week together, and it didn't feel like I was getting that. To be fair, we skipped some which I could see how those would have an intoxicating love effect. We finished the questions Monday as we drove back, in addition to having other conversations.

It became apparent to me for the first time that he not only thinks Taylor Swift's Eras Tour is a wolrdwide sensation worth seeing for that reason alone, but that he admires Taylor Swift as something of a hero. We also chatted about my idea of having a retirement home on the beach in Panama City Beach or somewhere equally as affordable with a nice beach - he agreed that would be absolutely perfect to live on the beach like that. Costa Rica, Hawaii, Mexico were floated as other potential places. I asked about how to look up real estate in Sydney and he told me to use We talked about real estate values in Dallas vs Austin (and vs Sydney) and he was surprised that downtown Austin has already surpassed the value of downtown Dallas.

Our last few days together were less scheduled and more just playing house to an extent. We'd swim together, he'd go for his own independent walks, I'd listen to my audio book in the morning while he slept in. But for the most part, we were together and the time just flew. I loved watching him go sunbathe outside in his underwear, and wished he could be a permanent fixture for me to gaze upon. We were also a little productive, making edits to his resume, and he expressed interest in learning more about AI and helping me with my fabric business, so I showed him some stuff in those vains.

Physically, I was a bit needier, wanting more cuddles than what I was getting and making my desire known. His physical attention got a little too rough for me, he would squeeze me too hard and at one point he slapped a part of my side that was just too hard for me and I told him as much. He immediately apologized profusely and made me feel better.

He was very sweet on our last day together, and I felt like he had definitely heard me and was responding to what I wanted. It felt so good to be heard and seen and cared for in that way - I don't know if I've ever felt like that before with anyone. When it was time to leave for the airport, there was no fuss or sadness, really, it was like it was just the next thing on the itinerary. But it did hit me when I was hugging and kissing him goodbye. He reminded me that our UK trip wasn't too far out, and I tried to fake some courage by saying, "That's right, see you in Scotland in a few weeks!"

As I pulled away, checking my mirrors and windows in case he was waving furiously at me because he forgot something, his "song" came on - "Too Sweet" by Hozier, or "Whiskey Neat" as Sam called it. It was a song that drove him nuts and became an inside joke a little with us. I love our similar senses of humor and how we can make these little jokes so easily.

I reflected what it was that I was feeling, and what I concluded was this. Sam is in no rush to get our relationship to the next step, but he's also not going to "hit it and quit it." He's shown that he is in it for the long run and his reassurances put me at peace with that pace which is slower than my usual preference. That peace also allows me to focus on things other than pursuing love - like my writing, my futurism studies and projects, my fabric design, my finances, my health. I wished I had had that realization when answering the 36 questions because I think that is a more true picture of me; I had gotten hung up on the idea of us moving forward and hadn't allowed myself to be content with where we are. We're great, not rushing into anything but I can trust him and I feel good with him in my life. And that's why I like him so much - he magnifies who I want to be and calms my anxiety when I'm overwhelmed or stressed.

Monday, July 8, 2024


What do they say about all good things? Not that Sam and I are over, far from it, I think. But the fairy tale perfection has definitely shown cracks. I adore him. I'm trying not to be to clingy, and he's trying to keep his independent spirit. We both knew spending a full week together would be intense. I would say we've had a lot of fun, but we've had a few speed bumps and I think we both have had to overlook a few things to keep the peace. We've taken breaks from each other which I think is healthy and much needed.

The main drag for me right now is the lack of physical affection. He isn't much into PDA which is fine, but he also doesn't cuddle me without promoting when we're alone together, and the cuddles that I do solicit are short lived. Many times I've asked and he's had a reason (excuse) not to! I don't want to force him into being uncomfortable, of course. But I also need to get what I want out of the relationship. I think it's just a conversation we need to have at this point, so that's my plan for today.

The thing I've been overlooking is how he questions me and doubts me. It's strange, because I think logically he knows I'm smart and capable, but in the instantaneousness of a particular moment, I think he reverts to maybe his work team lead persona in which he has to spell things out or show people how to do things. For instance, I was trying to get the hotel TV to stream from my tablet so we could watch a particular movie. I know how technology works, even if it's not something I do often. So I tried taking a picture of the QR code but my tablet doesn't have a gr at camera and even zooming did not give me a resolution that would scan. My options were to get up to move closer or just do it the more manual way by typing in the address. I was comfy so I opted for the latter. He saw me doing that but hadn't seen me attempt the camera / QR method, so he tried correcting me. I told him generically that that didn't work, and he pressed that all I had to do was zoom. I told him more specifically that I tried that too and it still didn't work because the camera wasn't good on the tablet and it wasn't scanning. Rather than being satisfied with that, he seemed frustrated. Maybe I'm reading too much into his reaction. But even after all signs indicated I was connected, my apps still didn't have options to cast to the TV. This time he decided to try for himself and he hit a bunch of options looking for the cast symbol to confirm what I already said, that there was no option for casting. So I looked up on my phone what the problem might be and tried that solution to no avail. We never figured out how to cast from my tablet, but when we returned from dinner he suggested I try on my phone and weirdly my phone was already connected, so somehow the connected accounts must have caused my phone to have the casting connection instead of my tablet. It seems like a little thing now as I write it out, and maybe that's what I need to do.

But that's just one example and I think my issue is the compilation of frequently being questioned and doubted that bothers me. Another example is, as we've talked a lot about what did we want to eat, I told him I don't like mushrooms. Rather than accepting it or saying that's a shame like a normal person, he asked why. Why? Because I don't. He still doubted me and asked what if it's covered with a bunch of stuff. I said, yes, of course, if it's a tiny little piece of mushroom in a big thing of other stuff I like, not really a big deal. But when we have a pizza with mushrooms on it, I try to pick off the big pieces I can see and I still get bites that are less than pleasant and I know I've bitten into a mushroom. The fact that I had to explain that, not just about mushrooms, but about cinnamon, banana, seafood, coffee, all these things I don't like and he doesn't accept that I don't like them, that's weird, right? He brought me coffee because it was Tim Tam flavored and he knew I liked Tim Tams. But it was still coffee. I told him as much and he still made me prepare it and try it.