I usually start all New Year's posts with a reflection on accomplishments for the last year, and general status of my well-being. But it's no secret that 2021 kind of stunk, and much of 2020 was about the same. Nearing two years in a pandemic means we've missed out on some really big Bucket List / Life List achievements, we're limiting travel and get-togethers, and we're meeting more virtually than in person at work. For an extreme extrovert, it's been rough. And despite some positives like my new 4/10 schedule, I'm not healthier or more productive in my personal life than usual. I'm tired and anxious and bored and stifled. 2021 will be the first year since I started my Life List in which I didn't complete at least two things off my list. One of those items was literally cancelled because of COVID-19. So, while I'm usually the eternal optimist, I'm coming into 2022 a little defeated.
Not all is bad, as my 2021 photographic recap indicates.
In February, I went to the zoo a lot, and with the mask
mandate in place, I got a cute giraffe mask!
In March, we fed the giraffes at
the zoo, and my friend Laura visited from Phoenix. We then found out that we
wouldn't be going to Japan for the Olympics due to COVID, so we went to the
Japanese Friendship Garden at Balboa Park as a tiny consolation.
In April, we
went to Yosemite and Disneyland, and in a little bit of foreshadowing, I
visited the Air & Space Museum in Balboa Park and took a picture by an old
Skunk Works airplane part.
In May, Danielle and William came to visit and we
went to multiple museums and the zoo, as well as fun places to eat and drink.
We also went to Las Vegas and ate at Hell's Kitchen.
In June, my sister Linda
and her family visited, and we rented a boat and explored Coronado Island with
them. We househunted in Palmdale and visited Sea World, and had countless
farewell dinners with colleagues and team members as I departed GKN. Then I
started my new job at Skunk Works.
In July, we checked off Life List #11 by
renting a tandem bicycle back in San Diego and rode that around for the Fourth
of July weekend. Then we went back to Phoenix to celebrate
Grandma Clote's
birthday and see Jaiman's family. Jaiman's cousin Brittney and her sister came
to Six Flags with
In August, we went out with my colleague, Andrew, and his girlfriend, and visited Tucson to see my family for Dad's birthday. We got the keys to our new house in Palmdale, and started working on it right away.
September, we went to a show at Hollywood Bowl and got great tickets for
Hamilton at the beautiful Pantages Theater.
In October, I took a business trip
to Marietta, GA to meet with some of my employees and colleagues. We also went
to a local arts festival with Andrew and Tiffany and went to an Air Show in LA
to see (and hear) F-35's among other great showings. My sister, Christy, and
her friends
came to visit and board their cruise, and we showed them around
Rodeo Drive and went to an NBA game.
We started November with a Lego Brick Fest
and then traveled to Orlando for IAAPA and Universal Nights, then onto Raleigh
to celebrate Thanksgiving with Christy and Matthew.
In December, Andrew,
Tiffany, Jaiman and I went to the California Science Center to catch the Lego
exhibit before it left. Dinner with my boss and Andrew ended our short business
relationship, as my boss is retiring. My parents came to visit for Christmas,
and we hiked around the Vasquez Rocks.
2021 by the numbers:
1 Life List Achievement Completed for Me
(Tandem bicycle ride)
1 Life List Achievement Completed for Jaiman
3 California Bucket List Achievements Completed
(Yosemite, California Science Center, Vasquez Rocks)
7 Theme Parks
(Sea World, Six Flags, Busch Gardens, Discovery Cove, Universal Orlando, Disneyland, DCA)
8 Museums Visited
(Balboa Park: Model Train Museum, Art Museum, Automotive Museum, Air & Space Museum, Museum of Us, Museum of Natural History; California Science Center, Blackbird Air Park)
12 New Roller Coasters
(Air Grover, Cobra's Curse, Kumba, Montu, Scorpion, SheiKra, Tigris, Velocicoaster, Manta, Electric Eel, West Coast Racers)
43 Roller Coaster Rides Total
31 Books Read
(See list on Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/user/year_in_books/2021/50404019)
All in all, I guess it's not been terrible. Nevertheless, I am hoping for 2022 to be an improvement over the last ~two years.
Here are the things I want to work on in 2022 (dare I say, Resolutions):
- Improve my
Vocabulary and Professional "Polish"
- Double savings (and manage investments to minimize potential losses if stocks go south)
- Work on "Smart" innovations / automation
- Complete at least 3 Life List items
- Could include:
- Recumbent bike
- Penny farthing bike
- Golf in Cabo
- Press grapes
- Ice skate in snow
- Be an extra in a movie
- Send in a Postsecret
- Drive a race car
- Ski in Colorado
- Learn to use a slide rule
- Underwater hotel
- Eat at a Winger's
- Complete some "moderate"-level home improvement projects
- Such as:
- Staircase railing / front room - paint
- Downstairs full bath – wallpaper and replace light
- Laundry room – wallpaper
- Dining room – paint and replace light
- Craft room – Paint and organize
- Office area – Organize and fix up cabinets
What are you hoping to do in 2022? Given the pandemic, I suspect resolutions will look a little different this year. Maybe you want to reconnect with family or friends, or get engaged with charity or mentoring. Maybe you want to get your home office organized with a refreshed style. Maybe you want to try something new, cook a new dish or try a new art form, take an online dance class or study a language. I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments below!