Thursday, January 2, 2025

Unlocking 2025

I want to retire from the corporate world by 2034. I make plenty of money but I also live a pretty awesome and somewhat spendy lifestyle which I'm not willing to forfeit. So to retire so early, I need to find other incomes. And I'm not opposed to working for myself after my "retirement", I just don't want to be working a regular day job that requires 40+ hours of work per week and limits my vacation and travel plans.
Instead, I'd be interested in publishing books and going on book tours, being a guest speaker and maybe even a little bit of consulting. I'd also like to have properties I can rent out to cover my own mortgage. And being somewhat tech-savvy and okay at programming, paired with what I believe to be novel and futuristic thinking, perhaps building and selling a killer app or developing AI solutions to empower income generation would be the most profitable and scalable route.

I've been writing all my life and I have half-completed works which I think could be marketable. I've even self-published a book. It sold one copy. The idea of self-publishing is appealing with its low barrier to entry, but I've been convinced for a long time that the best route, especially for me without a big social media following or the desire to put effort towards building one, is to go the traditional route with a publisher who can help promote the books but also who can provide good editing collaboration and professional artwork for the cover and any graphics in the work.

So it begs the question why haven't I pursued such a course of action? For one, I'm intimidated and a little daunted by not knowing where to start. And certainly, in my life, I've not been solely focused on publishing books. But I think there's also a fear of rejection, or maybe worse - feeling like I wasn't even given a chance - that holds me back.

Yet the math is there. If I'm going to retire to plan, I need to start developing my other incomes and sooner than later.

When Sam and I talk about AI and technology, he is quite out of the loop but fascinated. He's quite intelligent, though, and so I think there's opportunity for us to capitalize on our different smarts to create something. But what, I don't know exactly know. Perhaps when I'm back in the States, we should spend some of our weekend chats brainstorming ideas and laying out next steps.

As far as renting properties, that seems easy enough. Primarily I need to determine where I want to own such properties and then it's just a matter of finding them. Actually, it occurred to me today that I could buy a large plot of land and build small homes to try out the various weird features I want to have in my dream house, and then take lessons learned to apply to my ultimate big house. If I build a handful of these smaller homes, I can continue moving into the newest one and renting out the previous ones. They would also serve and added bonus of being available to family to stay in for visits or to move into if needed - independent living but close to me.

With Sam in my life, chasing love need not be consuming my time anymore, and we collabotively plan vacations so I don't need to do much soul-searching for retreats. The only other two things that will occupy my mental energy and time would be working on my house and the ever-present need for exercise, with dancing being a primary focus for me. In theory, with my new CPAP therapy, I should hopefully get more restful sleep which I hope will help restore my metabolism and provide the energy and mental health to exercise and make good food decisions. While health requires ongoing attention, and I don't want to diminish the effort I need to put towards that end, I think this may be the year in which I put some of these big dreams into action.
As such, I'd like to establish these tenets as my focus for 2025:
 • Develop book pitches
 • Get in contact with at least three publishers about my ideas
  ○ At least one before the end of March, and another before the end of June
 • Continue dancing and working on exercise routine
 • Develop some novel ideas to leverage technology
  ○ Explore investing tools
 • Finish family room
 • Finish primary bathroom
Interestingly, these are going back towards something like New Year's resolutions, something I got away from years ago. Perhaps returning to more structured definitions is indicative of a clearer focus, having used the last couple years to explore what is most important to me and finding myself again.

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