Yet, as Pantone reminds us, we want to live in the real world. Technology like AR and the metaverse has not (yet) absorbed us into its hold in a semi-permanent obsessive state, and we're already seeing the seeds of people wanting more, wanting reality, wanting nature, not tech, to absorb them.
- Buy my land
- Increase discipline in health routines
- Have a mindfulness weekend retreat
- Do that regularly
- Have a blog-a-thon to write about topics already started
- Book/plan vacation
- Complete >1 from room renovation
- Listen to Planetary Radio podcast when available
- Watch All Space Considered monthly
- Visit the Griffith Observatory
Celebration: Re-build the lost connections
- Start daily journal even if 3-sentence recap
- Plan for and stay on top of sending birthday, anniversary, holiday cards
- Seek advice and ask curious questions of people in my life
Empowerment: Create (and use) the tools to get out of my own way
- Auto-add/update calendar with activities of interest
- Utilize AI and scripting to hone trends and market gaps
- 3D print some useful items
- Invest in architecture software and education, and design home of the future
- Influence recruiting at work via communications team - consider TikTok channel
- Develop better graphics and display for my Show Mode